roger guy holstein
About The Author
Roger was born on the magical Island of L’ile de la Cite located in the heart of the French capital of Paris, France. His family was dirt poor. His father, Adam, was not a good man, preferring the company of loose women, drinking, and smoking instead of his own beautiful family. Roger’s mother often was the only breadwinner in the family.

Listen To The Interview
Roger Holstein was born in Paris, France on the 4th of September 1936. He has nearly seen it all. He entered a concentration camp at the tender age of 5, because neighbours accused him and his family of being Jewish, on account of their name. Roger was saved by his older brother Adam who produced a Catholic baptismal certificate of his father.

work that inspire me
The little village of Fouquerolles teacher, Madame Dardivillier, was the sole school teacher serving a rather vast territory extending several kilometers outward. Children from nearby communities had to attend school in this village. There were about 13 to 15 students of various ages in any one year studying in this single classroom. Although Madame Dardivilier was extremely nationalistic since her husband was a hero of the WWII French resistance against the invading force of SS Germany, she inculcated in her students many moral values. Also, she maintained a rather fascinating public library at her own expense. Amongst the authors whose work she wanted us to know were Alexandre Dumas, Victor Hugo (Les Miserables), Lafontaine, and Moliere. Therefore, the work of these fabulous writers and the exciting theater life of Paris at the time became the roots of my inspiration.
Emilie Joanna Holstein
Michael Gustav Holstein
Roger Guy
My son Pierre holstein (right of image), who is one of the finest violinists in the world, and a well-known young Ukrainian violinist by the name of Kostia (Left side of image) are both performing for your enjoyment in the main facilities of in South Florida.